The mace is a ceremonial symbol of the Speaker’s authority. It is commonly accepted that the House is not properly constituted without the presence of the mace; therefore no business is conducted in the House without it. In fact, a Sitting of the House commences only when the mace is in place.
At the beginning of any Sitting of the House the Sergeant at Arms precedes the Speaker, bearing the mace as he/she enters the chambers. The mace is placed on the Speaker’s table where it remains until the House goes into Committee, at which time the Sergeant of Arms moves forward and places the mace on a bracket, in front of the table. On leaving the chambers of the house the Sergeant at Arms also precedes the Speaker, bearing the mace.
During an election of a Speaker, the mace is kept outside of the chambers until the new Speaker is announced. Once the Speaker is announced the Sergeant at Arms bears the mace to the Table ahead of the Speaker. When the House is adjourned, the Mace is kept in the Office of the Speaker.