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Montserrat Legislative Assembly

Guide for Visitors at a Sitting of the Parliament

  • Admission to the Public Galleries is a privilege extended by Parliament, and visitors attending must conform with established forms of behaviour and dress.  The dress code for persons entering the Chamber is business attire.  Persons must, at all times, be dressed tidily.

    The following are not allowed within the Chambers:

    1. T-shirts;
    2. Vests/merino
    3. Slippers;
    4. Short pants;
    5. The displaying of signs or banners;
    6. Apparel with Party emblems displayed thereon;
    7. Apparel with obscene prints;
    8. Track pants;

    Men must remove their hats upon entering the Chamber.

    Visitors to the Parliament are expected to devote their full attention to the proceedings.  In this regard therefore they are asked to refrain from:

    • Eating;
    • Drinking;
    • Loud laughing;
    • Conversing;
    • Applauding;
    • Sleeping;
    • Reading;
    • Clapping or Cheering
    • Walking about;
    • Standing;
    • Smoking;
    • Jeering;
    • Using cellular phones, pagers, or any other communication device that may disrupt the proceedings.
    • Passing notes to Members of Parliament

    * Members are not to be harassed in any way, in the performance of their duties, and no form of disruption, disturbance or obstruction is permitted.

    • The following activities within the precincts of the Parliament must be authorized by the Speaker
    • Photographing
    • Audio recording
    • Writing notes
    • Video-taping

    Other Protocol to Be Observed

    • Everyone must stand for prayers and the administration of Oaths.
    • Once the Honourable Speaker is on his/her feet, no one is permitted to walk. Those in the process of walking when he/she rises must stand in their places until the Honourable Speaker either leaves the Chambers or resumes sitting.