About Parliament

Our Mission
The Legislature Department exists to provide effective administrative, advisory and clerical support to the Legislation Assembly, facilitate public access to the legislative process, and promote sound parliamentary practices.
Our Vision
To achieve excellence in our service provision and responsiveness to parliamentarians, the public and other stakeholders as we seek to facilitate and perpetuate the processes of good governance.
Our Role
The Montserrat Legislature is responsible for carrying out several functions. Like other Legislatures, it’s most important function is to legislate i.e. to make laws. The Legislature is responsible for making, amending, and repealing laws.

The Mace
The mace is a ceremonial symbol of the Speaker’s authority. It is commonly accepted that the House is not properly constituted without the presence of the mace; therefore no business is conducted in the House without it. In fact, a Sitting of the House commences only when the mace is in place.
At the beginning of any Sitting of the House the Sergeant at Arms precedes the Speaker, bearing the mace as he/she enters the chambers. The mace is placed on the Speaker’s table where it remains until the House goes into Committee, at which time the Sergeant of Arms moves forward and places the mace on a bracket, in front of the table. On leaving the chambers of the house the Sergeant at Arms also precedes the Speaker, bearing the mace.