Newsletter Of The Montserrat Legislature
Volume 1
Issue 5
November 28th, 2022

- Welcome
- Parliamentary Corner
- Parliamentary News
- Parliamentary Story
- Activity Corner

Upcoming Events
- Parliamentary Sitting – December 20th, 2022
The Office of The Montserrat Legislature is pleased to offer you the fifth edition of its newsletter.
In our last edition we spoke about the rules of the House that visitors should follow for the smooth operations of the House. In this edition we will speak to the Rules that Govern the House.
Standing Orders are written rules used by the House for the effective operations of the procedures for sittings/meetings for the House. These rules are permanent and are
made, amended, and or repealed or suspended by a resolution of the House. All members of the House use the Standing Orders. Erskine May known as the Parliamentary Bible is more commonly used by the Speaker as a guide for rulings not covered by Standing Orders in the House.
The Opening of Parliament is usually very ceremonial and filled with fanfare. This year’s opening was held on September 27, 2022 at the Montserrat Cultural Centre. During the opening, there was a small motorcade for the members and a parade of uniformed bodies. The Speaker of the House and the Honourable Premier inspected the
Mr. Joseph O’garro who outlined the
parliamentary calendar for the new Parliamentary year did the “Throne” speech. This simply means he
highlighted all of the laws and bills that the Parliament hopes to pass during the year. During the week of October 31st to November 4th, 2022 there was a review of the Montserrat Standing Orders undertaken by Mr Martyn Atkins a Senior Clerk of the House of Commons in the United Kingdom. This was the first review and amendment to the
Montserrat Standing Orders in many
years. The Youth Arm of Parliament (Montserrat Youth Parliament) held its first mock sitting which was facilitated
by former Speaker Ms. Shirley Osborne in September. On 4th November 2022, Financial Secretary in the Youth Parliament; Ms
Jaena Golden made a presentation in the House of Commons in London, England along with other Youth Parliamentarians
across the UK and the OT’s to debate on
the topics affecting the wellbeing of youths. Ms. Golden’s presentation was surrounded on the broad topic, “The Most Important Issues Affecting Young People in my Territory.” This was historic since it was the first time that any
overseas territory presented in the House
of Commons.
Activity Corner
Language Arts
Parliamentary Story; 1952 - 2019
***As we continue to journey through 70 years of Parliamentary Democracy, we will share the Parliamentary story by featuring different aspects of our Parliament’s history in the upcoming newsletters.
LEGISLATORS – (1955-1958)
The 1955 General Elections were held in accordance with the Constitution and Elections Ordinance 1952. This meant that the legislators did not have ministerial appointments, and their terms of office was still three years. As well, the provision for one nominated member to be a part of the Parliament remained intact. William H. Bramble, Robert W. Griffith, Theodore Edgecombe, Michael Walkinshaw, and John C Wall were elected.
During this electoral year, Theodore Edgecombe died in office. This resulted in Montserrat’s first bi-election in October of 1956.
Parliamentary Dictionary
Repeal – to officially cancel a piece of
Amend – to make minor changes to a
piece of legislation.
Suspend – to temporialy prevent a
piece of legislation from being brought
into force or effect.
Resolution – to make a firm decision
to bring or not bring a legislation into
- Something very historic happened
during the second democratic
legislature, name this event?
- How many years was a term of office for
elected members in 1955?
- If you have been following the
newsletters, you would note that one person changed after the 1955 General Elections. Who was that person?

Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
Remembering the first female Parliamentarian to hold a ministerial portfolio

Published by the Montserrat Legislature
#1 Farara Plaza